Mount Claude: A Hidden Gem of Tasmania

hiking Mt Claude summit

Mount Claude is a small mountain located in the Great Western Tiers mountain range and is often overlooked by tourists due to its relatively low height.

However, despite its small size, Mount Claude offers some of the most stunning views in Tasmania. From its summit, you can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including rolling hills, dense forests, and the distant peaks of the Great Western Tiers mountain range.

views from mt claude tasmania


To reach Mount Claude it is a leisurely hike, but if you decide to reach the peak it will be a demanding hike. Infact, the hike to the top of the mountain is relatively easy and takes around 2 hours to complete. The trail starts at the car park located near the base of the mountain and follows a well-defined path, the first 1.5km is a service road, then you will hit the trail and you will encounter a variety of vegetation, including eucalyptus trees, ferns, and moss-covered rocks.

Once at the summit, you will be rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. On a clear day, the views extend for miles in every direction and offer a glimpse into the beauty of Tasmania’s wilderness.

In addition to the stunning views and natural beauty, Mount Claude is also steeped in history. The mountain was named after the French explorer Claude de la Vale, who was one of the first Europeans to explore the area in the late 1700s. The area around Mount Claude was also home to the Tasmanian Aborigines for thousands of years, and visitors can still see evidence of their presence in the form of rock art and middens.


Drive to the Great Western Tiers: Mount Claude is located in the Great Western Tiers mountain range, which is located in central Tasmania. The drive from Launceston or Hobart to the Great Western Tiers will take around 2-3 hours depending on your starting point.

Find the trailhead: Once you have arrived in the Great Western Tiers area, you will need to find the trailhead for the Mount Claude hike. The trailhead is located in the Central Highlands Conservation Area and is well-marked with signs.


  • It is important to note that Mount Claude is located within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and it is important to respect the natural environment by leaving no trace and following all rules and regulations. Before embarking on your hike, be sure to check the weather conditions and trail conditions, and plan accordingly.
  • Recommended to do it on a clear day as you won’t be disappointed. The reward at the top are stunning 360* views.
on top of Mt claude Tasmania
fire trail mt claude tasmania
trail pink tape tasmania mt claude
hiking Mt Claude summit
hiking the Tasmania Mount Arthur walking track


You can find the gear checklist HERE.

And a list with links to most of the gear I use HERE.

IMPORTANT: Pay close attention to the data contained in this description.

They may be incomplete or outdated. The paths may undergo variations over time due to bad weather, fires or simply the change of seasons. Check in the comments if anyone has made any reports or recommend any changes.

PS: If you have any tips or question about this track please let me know in the comments or DM me in IG!

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Hey I'm Elena!

Passionate Italian hiker and adventurer. Food lover. From hiking tips to showing hidden gems, I strive to educate people on respecting nature and discovering Italy like a local. After 12 years spent in Australia, I am back in Italy with a mission: to showcase to the rest of the world the hidden gems, mountains, and various trekking opportunities this country offers.

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