Full of fabulous flavor, loaded with nutrients are just an amazing healthy lunch. Next level, when you pair them with hummus, cheese or salami…



  • 200gr spelt flour 
  • 100gr lupin flour
  • 140 ml water
  • 30gr EVO oil
  • 10gr salt
  • 100gr hemp seeds

To learn how to make these hemp crackers, you can watch this video, or keep reading below!

At Home:

Add all the ingredients to the mixer and blend till smooth.

Pour the mix into a baking sheet.

Make score lines with a knife on the wet cracker mix. This will make it easier to cut into crackers later.

Cook it in the oven @180° C for 15-20 min or until golden brown.

On Trail: 

…just enjoy them! Pair them with hummus, hard cheese, salami or anything you feel like!

PS: Have you changed something on the recipe and you think it tastes better or do you have a tip? Comment below and I will add it to the post 🙂

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